
Should I Give A Friend Parenting Advice? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Give A Friend Parenting Advice? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Give A Friend Parenting Advice? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My girlfriends daughter, 16, has been dressing very, well, inappropriately lately. I noticed this change in wardrobe a couple months ago but have not said anything. Lately, it's been getting REALLY bad. To the point where I am hearing things about the way she dresses from other parents and her peers...
My 13 Year Old Wont Stop Lying – Daily Dilemma
My 13 Year Old Wont Stop Lying – Daily Dilemma
My 13 Year Old Wont Stop Lying – Daily Dilemma
Here's Today's Daily Dilemma: My 13 year old daughter is a compulsive liar. She lies about everything. It’s been going on for a while now and I can’t take it anymore. It doesn’t matter what we talk about, it all lies. From her school day to her social life to everyday simple questions. At ...
Am I A Bad Parent? – Daily Dilemma
Am I A Bad Parent? – Daily Dilemma
Am I A Bad Parent? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My 12-year-old daughter had a sleepover with her friends over the weekend, and I rented "Bridesmaids" for them to watch. I didn't think the kids were that impressionable, but now they're quoting lines from the movie left and right...
Love Is In Jeopardy Over Religion – Daily Dilemma
Love Is In Jeopardy Over Religion – Daily Dilemma
Love Is In Jeopardy Over Religion – Daily Dilemma
Here Is Today's Daily Dilemma: So here's the deal religion has never been a huge deal to me. I believe in god but also in evolution so there isn't a specific church I feel I belong to. This has always worked well for me because I could rise above all religious arguments but now I am head over heels in love with a catholic woman...
High School Girl Is Spanked By Principal With Mother’s Permission [VIDEO]
High School Girl Is Spanked By Principal With Mother’s Permission [VIDEO]
High School Girl Is Spanked By Principal With Mother’s Permission [VIDEO]
There are so many messed up things about this story. Apparently, in Texas corporal punishment is still going strong in the public school system. And not just a ruler on the butt or hand of an unruly second grader, all the way through high school. Well one Mother is upset about this, but NOT for any of the reasons you would think.
Should Parents Be Friends With Their Kids? – Daily Dilemma
Should Parents Be Friends With Their Kids? – Daily Dilemma
Should Parents Be Friends With Their Kids? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I saw an article over this past weekend in the T.U.that really frosted me. It was about parents being too friendly with their kids and not doing their "jobs". The article mentioned parents dressing like their kids, posting their pictures on Facebook -"liking them"on there and even going to some of their events...
At What Age Should Grown Kids Leave The House? – Daily Dilemma
At What Age Should Grown Kids Leave The House? – Daily Dilemma
At What Age Should Grown Kids Leave The House? – Daily Dilemma
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
Should I Date A Girl With A Kid? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Date A Girl With A Kid? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Date A Girl With A Kid? – Daily Dilemma
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love

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