
My Fiance’s Mom Still Cleans His House? – Daily Dilemma
My Fiance’s Mom Still Cleans His House? – Daily Dilemma
My Fiance’s Mom Still Cleans His House? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I’m engaged to the man of my dreams, and we’re planning a summer wedding. I’m kind of concerned about how much his mother still does for him, though. I mean, she goes to his house and does his laundry once a week, cleans his house once or twice a week while he’s at work, and has even prepared meals to leave in his refrigerator for him to heat up...
Why Does Everyone Want To Tell Me How To Raise My Son? – Daily Dilemma
Why Does Everyone Want To Tell Me How To Raise My Son? – Daily Dilemma
Why Does Everyone Want To Tell Me How To Raise My Son? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My son has ADHD and as a result, he never sits down and talks a mile a minute most of the time. At home, it’s really no big deal and we’re all used to it. We focus on the positive traits that come with the ADHD instead of getting overly concerned about the minor issues that comes with it...
Things I Never thought I'd say
Things I Never thought I'd say
Things I Never thought I'd say
There are some things that come out of my mouth that I never dreamed I would ever have a reason to say until I became a mother.  I figured I wasn’t the only one, so I put out a call for “Things you never thought you’d say until you became a mom (or dad)” on Facebook and got some pretty good responses. Some were not appropriate for this blog, but here are a few we can share – share some of your own
A Daughter Has Problems Learning And The School And The Mom Are Blaming Each Other – Daily Dilemma
A Daughter Has Problems Learning And The School And The Mom Are Blaming Each Other – Daily Dilemma
A Daughter Has Problems Learning And The School And The Mom Are Blaming Each Other – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My daughter is having some trouble at school. She’s in third grade and while she is very intelligent, she struggles socially and is not getting very good grades on her school work. She has trouble remembering things, like multiplication facts, and has a hard time with reading comprehension... Read More ...
My Ex Wants To Be My Neighbor? – Daily Dilemma
My Ex Wants To Be My Neighbor? – Daily Dilemma
My Ex Wants To Be My Neighbor? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: When my ex husband picked the kids up for their weekend visit he told me his new girlfriend and him were thinking about buying the house across the street from me. We get along enough to drop off and pick up our kids, there is no way having him living across the street would ever work out... Read More ...
VIDEO: What Do Stay at Home Dads DO All Day?
VIDEO: What Do Stay at Home Dads DO All Day?
VIDEO: What Do Stay at Home Dads DO All Day?
In Kansas City, Mo. Emio Tomeoni and his wife work opposite hours regularly, allowing Emio to stay at home during the day with his 21-month-old son.   He was always telling his wife about the adventures of their day, but then he decided to use his experience in video production to show her exactly what they do all day!

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