Zombies Attack Montana, Country Music is an Abusive Husband and More: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch: Feb 13th
Are you in a mid-week slump again? Don’t fall asleep at your desk, it just doesn’t look good if you get caught. Here are some links you can check out so you at least look like you’re being productive. Not that I’m suggesting that you aren’t all very productive worker bees or anything…
Scavenger Hunt for Taste of Country Music Fest Tickets [UPDATED]
UPDATE: We have a winner! Ben Ventura got all five of the links correct! Great job and congrats from GNA.
Things the Retired Pope Can Do, Twitter Credit, and more: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch: Feb 12th
Tuesday means we survived Monday! Hey – speaking of Tuesday, have you ever read Tuesday’s With Morrie? If you haven’t read this book, you should! You probably don’t have time to read the book right this minute, so here are a few links from around the web that you do have time for:
Quit Facebook? Baby Bump Styles and More: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch [Feb28]
Is anybody else struggling today? I know it's Monday. Sometimes it's hard to get back into the swing of things after the weekend. While you're at work, on break of course, you can take a look at the following links and videos to help pass the time:
Snow, 50 Shades of Grey and More: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch [Feb 8th]
TGIF people! It’s Friday, in case you somehow lost track of time and forgot that it is the best day of the week. I’m home with the kids today, but don’t think that means I’m not surfin’ the web and finding links to share with you. Here’s what I’ve got for you today:
Living Off Craigslist for a Month, Kid Valentine’s and more: Digital Debbie – Feb 6th
Wednesday hump day! Most of you are half way through your work week and already counting down til the weekend –keep it up, it’s almost here. In the meantime, I want to share these links with you for your daily dose of internet education. Did you hear about the guy who lived off Craigslist ads for a month? I am fascinated by this story and can’t wait for the documentary to come out. I also gave
Survive a Shooter, Watch Sophia Grace and Rosie and more: Digital Debbie – Feb 5th
Hey look – you made it to Tuesday this week! Nicely done. I didn’t want to read all that much today, so I found a couple of articles that were actually videos. I hope you have a private office and can listen while you watch – if not, grab a pair of headphones because you don’t want to miss these videos.
Top Idol Earners, Speeding Grandma and More: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch – Feb 4th
What are you doing? Nothing? Well, here are a few things to check out while you’re not all that busy. Just be careful, you know how the internet works – you click one or two links, and that leads to one or two more, and before you know it you’ve landed on a website somewhere in Denmark and three hours have passed. Today’s Digital Debbie Web Watch links:
NYPD Sued for $250 million, Surprising Idol Audition and More: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch Feb 1st
Happy Friday! If you’ve got a few hours before you can start your weekend of fun, take a look at the following websites and videos to help pass the time.
Dogs in Hoodies and More: Digital Debbie’s Web Watch: Jan 30
You know you don’t want to do your work today. Here are a few links to check out if you need a way to look busy at work without actually doing anything overly productive:
Digital Debbie’s Web Watch – Jan 29th
Here’s a variety of stuff to check out from the web today for Digital Debbie's web watch:
Digital Debbie Web Watch – Jan 28
Oh the world wide web, where will you lead us next? Here's what we have for the Digital Debbie Web Watch for today: