
Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps is a bonafide star. In addition to being one of the best athletes in history and the United States’ crown jewel at the Olympic games, the world’s greatest swimmer is also humble, funny, sweet and a just a joy to watch in those post-competition interviews. With his retirement from professional competition pending (if you had as many gold medals as him, you’d consider giving a rest, t
Who is The Hottest Gymnast Of All Time?
Who is The Hottest Gymnast Of All Time?
Who is The Hottest Gymnast Of All Time?
Lets be honest, it isn't just the amazing athleticism involved in women's gymnastics that makes it such a hugely popular Olympic event.  Many of the athletes are attractive and that helps the women of America convince their boyfriends and husbands to watch.
What’s Your Favorite Summer Olympic Sport? [POLL]
What’s Your Favorite Summer Olympic Sport? [POLL]
What’s Your Favorite Summer Olympic Sport? [POLL]
The 2012 Summer Olympics in London are in full swing.  As we watch the coverage on television, some of us are surprised to learn of sports we didn't know existed.  I thought it would be fun to reveal the Summer Olympic sport categories and have you pick your favorites.
Michael Phelps Is The Man – Go USA
Michael Phelps has more medals than anyone in the history of the Olympics. He is the man and that record will be intact hopefully forever. Michael Phelps is making America smile and feel pride, and we need a lot more of that these days.
Beach Volleyball. Skeet Shooting. Are These Dumb Olympic Sports? [AUDIO]
Beach Volleyball. Skeet Shooting. Are These Dumb Olympic Sports? [AUDIO]
Beach Volleyball. Skeet Shooting. Are These Dumb Olympic Sports? [AUDIO]
Don't get me wrong.  It would be Un-American to totally diss the Olympics.  I'm all for getting behind our teams over there.  But I'm a little bit old school when it comes to the sports I'm accustomed to seeing during the coverage of the Olympics.  I will now present my humble opinion in song form and then we'll see if you agree

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