
Sassy Flower Girl Shushes Pastor [VIDEO]
Sassy Flower Girl Shushes Pastor [VIDEO]
Sassy Flower Girl Shushes Pastor [VIDEO]
For the second time this month, we have video of a flower girl going rogue. Last time, it was the wedding party’s youngest member picking up the flowers after the other flower girl dropped them. In this latest incident, a flower girl puts her finger to her lips and starts shushing as the pastor begins to marry the couple.
Should Kids Be Spanked? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should Kids Be Spanked? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should Kids Be Spanked? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
I guess it had to come up eventually. It is one of those hot topics that a lot of people just can't agree on, is spanking a good idea?  Our listener wrote in that her and her husband of 3 years were about to have a baby and through recent conversations she realized they were both at opposite ends of the spanking spectrum. The husband believes in doing it, and she is very much against it.
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework
Fall means school, and school means homework, and homework –- for many a family -– means stress and arguments. But getting homework done doesn’t have to be a daily battle. Here are a few easy ways for parents to make the routine a little easier for kids. ...
The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly. (This May Make You Cry, I Did When I Wrote It)
The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly. (This May Make You Cry, I Did When I Wrote It)
The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly. (This May Make You Cry, I Did When I Wrote It)
"The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly" by Sean McMaster "Mommmmm!" The boy screamed over the sound of the screen door slamming. "I need a jar." "For what? His mother asked. "Look , I caught a butterfly, isn't it pretty? I want to keep it." "It is, very pretty, that's a Monarch Butterfly...
5 Cute Kids Catching Their First Fish [VIDEOS]
5 Cute Kids Catching Their First Fish [VIDEOS]
5 Cute Kids Catching Their First Fish [VIDEOS]
Give a kid a fish and he probably won’t eat it (fish are yucky!), but teach a kid to fish and he just might have one of the most mind-bending experiences of his cute little life. See, here’s the thing about fishing: When it works, it’s crazy, especially if you’ve never caught a fish before. What’s that slimy, pre-historic looking creature doing where your worm used to be? And more importantly, can
Embarrass Your Kid Day
Embarrass Your Kid Day
Embarrass Your Kid Day
I especially want to write this today for all the Fathers out there.  Now if anyone out there knows me at all , they know I love my boys.  I try very hard to be a good Dad to them. Like most Dads I fear that I fall short of that goal much more than I achieve it. But I try.
Terrorism in Our Schools
Terrorism in Our Schools
Terrorism in Our Schools
"Boys will be boys."  "Hey,  school is tough. "  "Let them fight it out, they will work it out."   These are the kind of things you hear when you are talking about bullies in school.  Even the word "bully" itself makes the act seem less than what it is.

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