
Royal Wedding to Be Well Publicized
Royal Wedding to Be Well Publicized
Royal Wedding to Be Well Publicized
If you've ever been curious to see a royal wedding, you will certainly have that opporunity when Prince William and his fiancé, Kate Middleton, tie the knot.
No Google Love For My Couch – Levack Rant [AUDIO]
No Google Love For My Couch – Levack Rant [AUDIO]
No Google Love For My Couch – Levack Rant [AUDIO]
Every so often I google myself. I know I know you don't want to know what I do in the privacy of my own computer, but it's cool to see what's out there about you. Well today I googled "View From The Couch"; figuring my view would be first. Well not only wasn't it first it was all the way down at number five! My fragile ego was cruched so I had to do what any mature adult would do, cry ab
Playing The Google Game
Playing The Google Game
Playing The Google Game
I know we talked about this a long time ago on the show, but every once in a while I think about it and have to experiment with it.  I call it the "Google Game." It's actually very simple but also tells you a lot about people.  Sometimes things you just don't want to know, but it is fun none the less...
Verizon iPhone, Could it Be?
Verizon iPhone, Could it Be?
Verizon iPhone, Could it Be?
Rumor has it, Verizon is set to announce today they, too, will be offering the Apple iPhone to their customers.