
New Yorkers Have the Hardest Time Spelling What Word?
New Yorkers Have the Hardest Time Spelling What Word?
New Yorkers Have the Hardest Time Spelling What Word?
I'm no stranger to confirming the spellings of words via Google. I'll also go there and check which version of the word is the correct one to use, as well, because once you start writing blogs you find out just how many folks are grammar police (even when they, too are wrong.) It turns out, I'm not alone in my usage of "the Google," as my Nana may say. People all around the United States
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
It’s a familiar scenario for most people: You haven’t watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones or Mad Men, or you’ve yet to make it to the theater to check out the latest movie your friends have all been gushing over. But social media is an irresistible force, so you hop on Twitter or Facebook anyway, and soon find yourself navigating a minefield. At any given moment, you might read a spoiler. Lucky for you, there may soon be an app for that.
OkCupid Asks Users Not to Use Mozilla Firefox Over Anti-Gay CEO
OkCupid Asks Users Not to Use Mozilla Firefox Over Anti-Gay CEO
OkCupid Asks Users Not to Use Mozilla Firefox Over Anti-Gay CEO
Online daters using OkCupid with Mozilla Firefox are currently being greeted with the following message  - "Hello there, Mozilla Firefox user. Pardon this interruption of your OkCupid experience. Mozilla's new CEO, Brendan Eich, is an opponent of equal rights for gay couples...

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