
How Do I Get A Stubborn Grandma To Stop Sending Me Money – Daily Dilemma?
How Do I Get A Stubborn Grandma To Stop Sending Me Money – Daily Dilemma?
How Do I Get A Stubborn Grandma To Stop Sending Me Money – Daily Dilemma?
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: Every year since I was a kid, my Grandma has sent me a check for $20 on my birthday. I just turned 35, and she's STILL doing it. Like clockwork, her $20 check came in the mail on my birthday. I'm a working professional and I make a really good living, so I feel weird accepting these checks from my Grandma...
Not Voting?
Not Voting?
Not Voting?
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I have a timely dilemma for you guys. My husband and I have been having a re-occurring argument lately, about voting. I have no interest in voting this year. Yes, I have voted in the past and I do feel it is an important way to be part of the governmental process...
My Husband Is Selfish With Our Money – Daily Dilemma
My Husband Is Selfish With Our Money – Daily Dilemma
My Husband Is Selfish With Our Money – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My Husband and I have been married for 12 years and we have 4 children. We had an amazing life pre kids, we traveled, bought things we know we didn’t really need, even an extra car. My Husband is a spender and since we had the kids, I am the saver...
How Do You Tell Kids About Divorce? – Daily Dilemma
How Do You Tell Kids About Divorce? – Daily Dilemma
How Do You Tell Kids About Divorce? – Daily Dilemma
Here Is Today's Daily Dilemma: How do you tell a 6 year old and a 10 year old their Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce? The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives...
5 Area Places Where Kids Can Eat For Free
5 Area Places Where Kids Can Eat For Free
5 Area Places Where Kids Can Eat For Free
I don't know about you but the McMaster's love to go out to eat. It doesn't have to be fancy it's just nice to get out sometimes where everyone can get what they want,  and no one has to worry about clean up. The hard part is it can get pretty pricey, especially with 2 or 3 kids.
Love Is In Jeopardy Over Religion – Daily Dilemma
Love Is In Jeopardy Over Religion – Daily Dilemma
Love Is In Jeopardy Over Religion – Daily Dilemma
Here Is Today's Daily Dilemma: So here's the deal religion has never been a huge deal to me. I believe in god but also in evolution so there isn't a specific church I feel I belong to. This has always worked well for me because I could rise above all religious arguments but now I am head over heels in love with a catholic woman...
Should Parents Be Friends With Their Kids? – Daily Dilemma
Should Parents Be Friends With Their Kids? – Daily Dilemma
Should Parents Be Friends With Their Kids? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I saw an article over this past weekend in the T.U.that really frosted me. It was about parents being too friendly with their kids and not doing their "jobs". The article mentioned parents dressing like their kids, posting their pictures on Facebook -"liking them"on there and even going to some of their events...

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