
Eric Church Recording Live Album on Tour
Eric Church Recording Live Album on Tour
Eric Church Recording Live Album on Tour
Even though Eric Church recently said he would be stepping away from the spotlight in the new year, he’ll still be on the radar. As a way to thank his loyal followers for hundreds of sold-out concerts, Church will be releasing his very first live album in the beginning of 2013.
Countryfest Performance Debut – Only Took Richie 19 Years! [VIDEO]
Countryfest Performance Debut – Only Took Richie 19 Years! [VIDEO]
Countryfest Performance Debut – Only Took Richie 19 Years! [VIDEO]
This was a major thrill.  I've done little things here and there over the years, but there was so much of a time constraint in the past for local acts that it really was difficult.  That's what I loved about this year's Countryfest the most - it gave a lot of Capital Region artists  the chance to show their wares, and the Lost Cantina Band was nice enough to let me do the same.
CountryFest Crowd Pictures–Can You Find Yourself? [PHOTOS]
CountryFest Crowd Pictures–Can You Find Yourself? [PHOTOS]
CountryFest Crowd Pictures–Can You Find Yourself? [PHOTOS]
CountryFest 2012 this past Saturday wasn't just about the great acts such as Eric Church, Joe Nichols, Thompson Square and Josh Thompson. It was also about YOU, the great GNA listeners! If you were outside at the free block party or inside the Times Union Center, we thank you and hope you enjoyed the party...
Scott’s Favorite CountryFest 2012 Moment
Scott’s Favorite CountryFest 2012 Moment
Scott’s Favorite CountryFest 2012 Moment
CountryFest 2012 is in the books and it was a rockin' party for sure. I loved getting to mingle with many of you at the free outdoor street party listening to some great local talent as well as newcomer Dustin Lynch. Indoors was rockin' as well as Josh Thompson, Thompson Square, Joe Nichols and of course Eric Church ripped the roof off the Times Union Center.
Local Countryfest 2012 Artist Profile – Whiskey City
Local Countryfest 2012 Artist Profile – Whiskey City
Local Countryfest 2012 Artist Profile – Whiskey City
Whiskey City   The outdoor block party at Countryfest is truly a win-win.  You, the listener,  gets to hear local and up and coming national artists for free, and we at 'GNA get the chance to give more local musicians the chance to show their talents to YOU.  Here's a new addition for us-- WHISKEY CITY.

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