
Dashboard Thermometer Photos for First Day of Summer
Dashboard Thermometer Photos for First Day of Summer
Dashboard Thermometer Photos for First Day of Summer
With record high temperatures expected for the first day of summer we are expecting to see our Facebook friend feed full of photos of dashboard thermometers - plus a flood of them on Twitter and Instagram too. If you share a photo, feel free to tag us on Facebook or hashtag us on Twitter / Instagram with #gna . Let's see who ends up with the highest temperature of all! Do you think the dashboard t
Google Car Drives Itself – Who Wants One? [VIDEO]
Google Car Drives Itself – Who Wants One? [VIDEO]
Google Car Drives Itself – Who Wants One? [VIDEO]
I remember growing up thinking, imagine if cars drove themselves?  Even talking to my boys about a day in their future when the car will have “auto pilot.”  I would LOVE That!  Could it happen soon?  Maybe not as soon as I would like it, but a study done recently says a lot of us are very interested in this “extra” for our car.
Child Booster Seats Not Perfect for Every Vehicle
Child Booster Seats Not Perfect for Every Vehicle
Child Booster Seats Not Perfect for Every Vehicle
A new study looked at 83 booster seats for children and evaluated their fit in a vehicle using an adult sized seat belt.  However, 41 of those booster seats fell into the “check fit” category.
The Five Most Irritating Roads in the Albany Area
The Five Most Irritating Roads in the Albany Area
The Five Most Irritating Roads in the Albany Area
No matter where you live in this great nation, you'll find the most irritating roads and do your best to avoid them. We certainly have our share of them in the Albany area and it just seems like they (whoever "they" are) will never fix our woes. Her...
Snowed In!
Snowed In!
Snowed In!
Like most of the Capital Region, I had a heck of a time getting out and about today!
Top Vehicle Safety Picks for 2011
Top Vehicle Safety Picks for 2011
Top Vehicle Safety Picks for 2011
The Top Safety Pick awards for 2011 have been named by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.  Miraculously, Toyota made it on that list! I know -- poor Toyota, but even in the wake of racking up large fines, Toyota-Lexus-Scion still managed
Classic Cars
Classic Cars
Classic Cars
One of my mom's holiday traditions is to buy my brother, myself, and our spouses a tree ornament every year. Until this year my mother has gotten me a classic car ornament.