
Couple Gets Hitched at Albany Car Dealership
Couple Gets Hitched at Albany Car Dealership
Couple Gets Hitched at Albany Car Dealership
Here comes another story to remind us that life and times during the pandemic of 2020 means that zero should surprise us and that nothing should get in our way. A couple unable to get their marriage certificates fast enough in New York City, were married over the weekend at an Albany used car dealership when they learned that their salesman - yes the man that sold them their car -  is also an orda
Albany’s Oktoberbest Falls Victim to Covid
Albany’s Oktoberbest Falls Victim to Covid
Albany’s Oktoberbest Falls Victim to Covid
At this point in 2020 it sure would be a lot more fun to write about what is still happening and not what isn't happening due to the pandemic, but to be frank, that wouldn't leave us with a whole lot to write about.  It was announced early on Monday that the Albany beer festival which celebrates German tradition every fall, Oktoberfest 2020, has officially been canceled.
Albany’s LarkFest Latest Covid Casualty
Albany’s LarkFest Latest Covid Casualty
Albany’s LarkFest Latest Covid Casualty
The hits keep coming in 2020 and while this one doesn't come as surprise to anyone, a long running tradition for one of Albany's most interesting and colorful streets has been canceled.
Economy Airline Adds More Albany to Florida Flights
Economy Airline Adds More Albany to Florida Flights
Economy Airline Adds More Albany to Florida Flights
Since the coronavirus hit, none of us have been able to travel. If you're like me, you are itching to plan a vacation. There is an economy airline that flies out of Albany International Airport that is offering more flights to Florida this winter with cheap fares.
Albany Isn’t The Wild West, It Just Seems Like It
Albany Isn’t The Wild West, It Just Seems Like It
Albany Isn’t The Wild West, It Just Seems Like It
I live in Albany. You know, the city that literally seems to have gun violence daily, sometimes two or three times a day. If you didn't know any better, you'd think it was the Wild Wild West with all the shootouts.  It's weird.  I don't feel unsafe in the city I live in, I truly don't.  But if I didn't live here - and I was on the outside looking in,  I'd be like,  "f**k that, I'm not living

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