
9/11 Widow Peg Ogonowski Reminisces – And Looks Ahead [VIDEO]
9/11 Widow Peg Ogonowski Reminisces – And Looks Ahead [VIDEO]
9/11 Widow Peg Ogonowski Reminisces – And Looks Ahead [VIDEO]
Peg Ogonowski’s late husband, John, was the captain of American Flight 11 — better known as the first plane to hit the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. “It was that moment of before and after,” said Peg, a former flight attendant. “There was my whole life before and then everything changed. It was a real line in my life that there will always be before 9/11 and after 9/11.”
Remembering 9/11 Needs To Be Done With Respect And Caution [VIDEO]
Remembering 9/11 Needs To Be Done With Respect And Caution [VIDEO]
Remembering 9/11 Needs To Be Done With Respect And Caution [VIDEO]
As we get closer to the 10th anniversary of September 11th you'll see more and more people and media outlets begin to "Remember 9/11". This has been a very difficult topic for me to handle every year since 2001. The tough thing is how do you remember and respect the men and women lost on that day and the days since protecting this country without taking advantage?