I know there will be volumes written about this gentleman over the next days and weeks and maybe months.  He was a true genius.  A legend in the consumer electronics world.  The words "huge loss" would be an understatement.  The guy changed me forever!



It started with the iPhone.  I really didn't need it back then, but I "drank the Koolaid" that Apple poured out.  The constant hype was relentless, and I caved.   Once I got into it, however I was hooked.  I then said to myself " Wow, if their computers are as easy and brainless and glitch free as their phones, I'm in!

Well, the move wasn't that instantaneous, but I took the plunge and the folloiwing year purchased a Macbook Pro (I'm typing on it right now actually).  The thing is amazing.  It boots up in 30 seconds, runs smoothly, and all of the programs work together almost seamlessly.  Ok, it locks up every once in awhile, but it's no biggie.  It's still miles above what I had before from the -ahhem--other company.


iPad device

Next move?  iPad mania.  Although this time I was more sane about it.  I waited until the iPad 2 came out, and then sunk my hard earned cash into the "defunct" iPad 1 and saved more than $150 on it.  I've never looked back on that gismo either.  Amazing gadget (and don't let anyone tell you it's just a big iPhone.  It's much much more than that, but you have to experience it , much like I do every morning, afternoon and nite!)


So there you have it folks.  I've now spilled my iGuts.    The evolution of my personal i-Life, and it all has to do with the incredible vision of one Steve Jobs.

In fact, I have prepared a rhyming eulogy to the world's greatest  consumer electronics pioneer.

How has Steve affected YOUR existence?  Has he changed the way you listen to music?  Organize your photos? (that's amazing as well).  Would love to know!




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