South Troy Pool Is Open For Summer Fun
Exciting news for children living in Troy; the South Pool is open with no entrance fees.
I remember growing up and being so excited when neighborhood pools opened for the summer. I understand how the children living in Troy will be especially excited to know that the South Troy Pool is opening with free lunches for them, and they won’t have to pay to get in!
According to Spectrum News, Last week Troy Mayor, Patrick Madden approved legislation that would permanently waive all fees for entry to city pools for everyone who lives in the city.
Free lunches will also be offered at the pool, thanks to a collaboration between the City and the Boys and Girls Club of the Capital Area.
Mayor Madden says that he is working to curb food insecurity. He said, “The food drives that I have attended are still well-taken advantage of. There are still a lot of people coming out; the same thing with kids. The Boys and Girls Club has been a great partner in this effort. It’s they who run the pool, as well as provide meals for the City of Troy. They’ve been a great partnership and we hope to see it continue.“
In addition to free swimming and free lunches, free swimming lessons will also be available beginning July 19. Lessons will be given from 10 In the morning until 12:00 noon. If you don’t know how to swim yet, make sure you sign up for some free swimming lessons.
The pool will be open every day from 1 to 6 p.m., weather permitting.
If you live in Troy, make sure you visit the South Troy Pool to take advantage of all of the things that they had to offer this summer.
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