Online Tax Season Kicks Off
The online tax season officially opens today. Last year, 70-percent of taxpayers filed online which translated into almost 99-million online tax returns of the 142-million filed.I personally like the online filing because it saves me a trip to the post office, the money is either taken out or put directly in to my bank account directly, and its over and done with on the click of a button (especially because I procrastinate every year).
Tax payers have a few options with Free File. You can do the traditional tax preparer route or there are always commercial software programs out there as well.
One thing to remember for this year's tax filing, about nine-million people will be affected by the tax-cut extension passed by Congress in the last few days of last month's session. Those taxpayers must wait utnil mid-February to file their taxes. This is to give the IRS time to implement provisions of that law. "IRS Free File Program Manager Diane Fox says some people will experience a delay due to the tax-cut extension (Anne Levy, Metrosource).
For additional information regarding your taxes, go to