Being from Schenectady, I keep seeing this story trending and I can understand both sides but if you had to make a ruling, where would you stand?

The Niskayuna Town Board will be conducted to discuss construction and dog barking on Balltown Rd. The Daily Gazette is reporting that the animal hospital, Aqueduct Animal Hospital which has been on Balltown Rd for more than 50 years is now in a fight with other residents of the neighborhood because of the dogs barking.


According to the law, The Gazette says, "dog owners create a nuisance if their dogs bark continuously for 15 minutes or more and can be heard anywhere beyond the dog owner's property." If passed, the amendment would shorten that to 10-minutes.

The debate is pretty much that the residents are angry with the noise of the dogs and the hospital is saying that they've been there longer than the new residences and they should've been aware beforehand. If you were a member of the Niskayuna Town Board, who would you side with?

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