The odds of Josh Allen coming to your house may be slim…but they are never zero. 

That’s why you should be prepared at all times for a surprise visit from Josh Allen. 

After all, you never know what could happen…. ;) 

All kidding aside, it would be cool to have Josh Allen stop by your neighborhood. And sure, we think of all the “what if?” scenarios…like “What if I met Josh Allen?” or “What if Josh Allen invited me to go golfing?”

But what about if Josh Allen came to your house?

Sure it’s unlikely, but the gals and the pals of the world can dream, right? He’s basically the King of Buffalo right now, and everyone loves this guy – and how lucky are we to have him as a QB?

We asked our Facebook page at 106.5 WYRK what they would show Josh Allen in the event that he did make a surprise visit, and the responses were all over the place. 

He would have some pretty interesting visits around Western New York, that’s for sure. 

Take a look at the 24 things that Western New Yorkers would show Josh Allen if he came over to their house. 

24 Things In Our Homes That We Would Show Josh Allen

Josh Allen is THE MAN right now, and if he came over to visit, we already have some ideas on what we would show him first.

Josh Allen is such a nice guy…I almost feel like he wouldn’t bat an eye at any of the shrines or man caves dedicated to him in honor. I mean, he may talk about it to Hailee after the fact, but he would never let you feel bad about the obsession. 

However, I really like Lori’s strategy the most. She said: 

“I would probably just make us some food and let him lead the conversation so we ain’t talking about just football.”

Josh Allen seems like a guy that would appreciate a down-to-earth, honest conversation about life rather than the typical, generic football talk he gets on most days. 

What would you want to show Josh Allen first?

11 Pictures of Why We Love Josh Allen

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