Game Of thrones Season Three Is Coming [VIDEO]
Check out my luck! I recently bought the first two seasons of HBO's hit series "Game of Thrones" without ever seeing an episode because Lydia Kulbida from News 10 ABC told me I'd love it. We like a lot of the same shows. I then got so sick I was in bed all weekend and watched the entire series in one weekend. I am hooked and Season Three is almost here.
I used to love HBO, then they cancelled "Rome", "Sopranos", "The Wire", "OZ" and any other show I fell in love with so HBO and I broke up. Now I have to consider taking them back because of shows like "True Blood" and "Game of Thrones".
You take all the drama of any mid-evil power struggle through in "White Walkers" and dragons you have my attention. Season three of Thrones starts Sunday, March 31st at 9 pm and I will be watching!