I hate to criticize the source of this article, but I read yet another "tips" blurb about what you should do when having a yard sale.  I think it's no-brainer stuff, but maybe it's worth repeating, since it is the season!

According to USAtoday.com, they give some quick and dirty tips.  Some of these, once again are DUHHHHH type suggestions, but here goes:

1. Advertise-  Although I never knew that you should advertise at least 5-6 days before the event.  I guess that's handy info.

2. Plan -     Like make sure you have a lot of change available.  Yea, I guess they're right!

3. The Price is Right -  you know that people are looking for bargains, so think accordingly.  That's quite obvious.  Don't try to sell your $50,000  beemer there

And there are others tips that you can read in the USA Today article.

Garage Sale Sign

I remember once I bought a watch at a yard sale.  Right hand to the heavens,  this is true.  When I got it home I noticed that the time was completely wrong.  I looked at the brand name on the watch.  It wasn't a Sanyo.  It was a SANJO.  And it had NO  #11 on it, so it kept losing an hour.   I wish I still had it to show, but I bought it in high school and that was WAY more than 11 years ago. So don't be a sucker for something at a very low price (Oh no!  Now I'm being obvious)

Anyway, happy yard sale-ing! What's the worst thing you ever bought?  Would love to know!

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