This might be the best news ever for us morning show people, and for all you folks who think you're weird for being an insomniac.  Read on (if you can keep your eyes open!)... I have become (in my mind) the world's worst sleeper.  Possibly because I've been doing this morning show for over  20 years.  Now in a way you would think that you'd get used to the lack of sleep.  I never have.  I'm always waking up after about 4 hours, checking the clock, then trying to go back to bed-mad at myself for waking up in the first place.  But according to a noted sleep historian, that's the way sleep was done way back when!

According to an article in Life's Little, we sleep in phases.  It's a natural cycle:

"The dominant pattern of sleep, arguably since time immemorial, was biphasic," a sleep historian tells Life’s Little Mysteries.  Sleep came in two four-hour blocks, with a period of an hour or more in between during which people might pray, think about their dreams, or even visit with neighbors.

reading glasses for sleeping

Yea, I pray.  I pray all the time that I can fall back asleep before the 4am alarm!  And yes, I think about dreams as well.  And sometimes that keeps me awake, especially if it's a nitemare!.   Now visiting with neighbors??  That's where I draw the line.  I like the neighbors, don't get me wrong, but if they saw me at their doorstep at 2am in my pajamas wanting to talk--I guarantee it would be a one way conversation--they'd make me stand outside and talk to a tree!

But I thought I would share this with you, because we're all so hung up on getting sleep.  We buy tons of sleep medication, drink gallons of warm milk, eat bananas--all the typical wives tales, when all along you're supposed to sleep in cycles.

Do you have trouble sleeping.  Do you wake up at 5:30 am when you don't need to until about 7?

Well, I have an idea-------TUNE IN TO THE SEAN AND RICHIE SHOW ON WGNA!   (see how I did that?  Didn't see it comin' did ya??)

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