Meet our family dogs.  One is Mel.  He's a Cocker Spaniel.  He's completely nuts, but we love him.  The other is Spencer (latest aquisition).  He's a Pekingnese.  A real cutie.  A little bit quirky, but aren't we all?  Hell, I'm in radio.  Enough said!

Now of course, these dogs both have to "go" alot, which reminds me of the classic Rodney Dangerfield line: "I'm at the age where I could go tomorrow!  I hope so - I haven't gone today yet!".  These dogs don't have that problem!

Spencer and Mel

As much as we try to make sure we pick up after them, we're all a little guilty of "pretending we didn't see it occasionally.  You try to cover it up or kick it under the snow or something if you are caught off guard.  (Come on - fess up - we've all done it!)

Well, you better watch out, because Big (Bowel) Brother is watching!  They have a new way of identifying "evidence".  DNA for dogs!  According to, there's an apartment complex in New Hampshire that is now requiring all pet owners to have their dogs' mouths swabbed!  This way there's no denying who did what where!  And there's major penalty if the DNA is traced to your little or big pooch.  They use a kit  called PooPrints to do the testing.  You don't believe me? Check out this story from WMUR TV via Youtube.

So there you go. (no pun intended).  Done with my blog.  I have to get back to business (whoops, another pun).  I'm definitely going to watch Mel and Spencer very closely. Actually, I don't have to worry about Spencer.  He only goes on the carpet.

So what do you folks think?  Is this an invasion of doggie privacy?  Would you leave the apartment complex or neighborhood association if they instituted this ruling?  Would love to know!

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