Crayola Needs You To Pick The New Blue
I have a confession to make. Over the weekend while we were waiting for our lunch, Ryan wasn't interested in coloring the page they had given him. So I took the paper and the fresh box of eight crayons and colored my heart out. I forgot how therapeutic coloring really is. So when Crayola asks for help, I remember my experiences when I was a kid and jump at the chance to return the favor. A few months ago, Crayola retired the color dandelion and a brand new blue was discovered by scientists. So the crayon company decided to include the new shade of blue to replace the retired one. After 90,000 submissions for the new name of the blue, they have narrowed it down to just five.
You can vote for the winner. The final five are Dreams Come Blue, Bluetiful, Blue Moon Bliss, Reach for the Stars, and Star Spangled Blue. The new crayon will make its debut later this year.