
Will He Leave You If You Gain Weight? – I Can Tell You What The Chances Are
Will He Leave You If You Gain Weight? – I Can Tell You What The Chances Are
Will He Leave You If You Gain Weight? – I Can Tell You What The Chances Are
I think everyone worries about this kind of thing every now and then. I think with guys it's more economical, "Will she leave me if I lose my job?" with women it's usually her looks she worries about. The fact of the matter is, if you love someone and they love you, you probably do not have to worry.  However, that doesn't mean you should test them either!
How Do I Forgive My Significant Other’s Mother Hurtful Behavior? – Daily Dilemma
How Do I Forgive My Significant Other’s Mother Hurtful Behavior? – Daily Dilemma
How Do I Forgive My Significant Other’s Mother Hurtful Behavior? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: Hi~ have been wanting to write to you about this since it happened in early March. My significant other and I started house shopping in January. His mom was happy about us taking this step and since she had helped his brother years ago with the down payment for his house, she offered us the same so that our mortgage could be less...
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My friend just started dating a new guy. They've literally been going out for a month, and she's becoming a lame friend. What do I mean by lame? She's doing the typical girl thing where she puts me, her best friend, on the backburner for a guy...
How Do I Get My Adult Son To Move Out – Daily Dilemma
How Do I Get My Adult Son To Move Out – Daily Dilemma
How Do I Get My Adult Son To Move Out – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My 20 year old son and I live with my significant other and have for some time. My son came to me the other day and said now that he is working 2 part time jobs he is going to buy a truck. I told him it is going to cause trouble because my S/O isn't pleased that he doesn't help around the house, physically or financially and he should probably put his money towards s
She Uses The Kids As “Pawns” Against The Ex – Daily Dilemma
She Uses The Kids As “Pawns” Against The Ex – Daily Dilemma
She Uses The Kids As “Pawns” Against The Ex – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I have a dilemma, well my brother does. He and his wife who are separated have two children. The wife lives with another man with the children and has for a few years now. When my brother finds someone who is nice or dates someone she keeps the kids from seeing him...

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