
Ladies-Take Our Facial Hair Poll [Poll]
Ladies-Take Our Facial Hair Poll [Poll]
Ladies-Take Our Facial Hair Poll [Poll]
We talked about this issue today on our Daily Dilemma on the Sean and Richie Show. A bride-to-be wrote to us saying that she asked her husband to shave his beard for their upcoming wedding.  She didn't want  the "scruffy look" on her special day, and her mother was pretty much on board with the idea as well.  Well, according to a study, she might not be so off base!
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
Today on the show we read a story about a woman who got arrested for making her 10 year old son walk to school after he got kicked off the bus for bad behavior for the 5th time. We got talking about how it seems today the kids seem to be a little "soft", that we never would have gotten away with as much as they do.
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
I was reading the results of a recent survey and it said that most women want jewelry as a present this Valentine's Day. The only other thing on the survey to get a double digit percentage was flowers and chocolate. That got me wondering, what is it that women really want for V day...

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