
Which Is Healthier Prison Or School Food?
Which Is Healthier Prison Or School Food?
Which Is Healthier Prison Or School Food?
Elementary school lunches in the U.S. are supposed to include all the basic food groups, and last year Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which is supposed to make school lunches more nutritious.
A Challenge To Write A Song Parody About Obama and Osama [AUDIO]
A Challenge To Write A Song Parody About Obama and Osama [AUDIO]
A Challenge To Write A Song Parody About Obama and Osama [AUDIO]
Who says morning radio doesn't have it's pressures?  I get in this morning, bleary eyed from a long weekend in Florida, and my morning show cohorts challenged me to take the theme song "Welcome Back, Kotter" and make the subject matter about the recent demise of Osama Bin Laden.  Well guys-BRING IT ON!
Sheen/Cage in 2012 I Can’t Wait to Vote [AUDIO]
Sheen/Cage in 2012 I Can’t Wait to Vote [AUDIO]
Sheen/Cage in 2012 I Can’t Wait to Vote [AUDIO]
In today's morning monologue we imagine if Charlie Sheen and Nicolas Cage were running for the White House?  Billy Ray Cyrus just wants Miley to be happy.  We find out who celebrated 4/20 and who is drinking "Viagra Beer". And I have heard of the movie"Snakes on a Plane", now its rats...
Is Kickball Dangerous For Your Kids??
Is Kickball Dangerous For Your Kids??
Is Kickball Dangerous For Your Kids??
I remember growing up as a kid and playing kickball during recess at school or playing dodgeball in gym or just getting together with a bunch of friends looking for something to do and wind up playing a game of wiffle ball. I always had fun and never once did i get hurt.

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