I was just reading that according to "The Sun" Newspaper in London.  The youngest grandmother in the world is 23 year old, Rifca Stanescu of Romania. She has given birth to her daughter Maria when she was 12 years old, and now Maria has given birth to a baby boy at the age of 11.

See, this is just one more way other countries are way ahead of the United States. You hear other countries surpassing us in  education, economy, technology and now its fertility. Clearly we are going to have to re- think how we do things around here.  SO your saying " But Sean, that is way too young for a girl to be giving birth!"  I disagree, sure there are some downside to it, but think of the upside. In fact I can think of a few advantages.

1. You don't have to search for a good Pediatrician for your new baby, he can use yours.

2. You can save lots of money on clothes as she will be wearing your size long before the clothes are "out of fashion".

3. You both have a big case of "Bieber Fever".

4. Getting to school is much easier as you both can ride the same bus.

5. You'll never hear, "Mom you just don't understand what it's like to be a kid these days!"

6. When doing a genealogy study, it wont be as hard to look up your Great, Great, Great Grandmother, she will be sitting next to you at dinner.

7. Grandma can help with feedings , as she is still lactating. (OK, that one was bad).

8.  You don't have to worry about slipping that Santa Claus isn't real because everyone still believes.

9. You never have to deal with your daughter's  tricky "teen years". Her husband will have to go through that.

10. (This last one I will leave for you to write.) Go.

God Bless.

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