It has been a hot and humid July in Upstate New York. Will the heat continue in the months ahead?

Yes, and no.

You may recall back in March we reported that the Farmers' Almanac predicted an 'unrelenting' summer for New York. And while the temperatures have not hit extreme levels we have definitely had our share of heat and humidity in July. After the AC at our house ran all month, my eyes popped out of my head when I got my latest National Grid Bill!

Over the last week or so we have gotten more seasonable temps for Upstate New York which has translated to some perfect summer days. Will that trend continue to wrap summer or will the heat make a late-season comeback heading into fall?

Weather Channel Reveals Late Summer and Early Fall Outlook

In the months ahead, temperature wise it will be kind of a mixed bag for New York and the Northeast in general. Here is what we can expect according to the Weather Channel:



For the final full month of summer, the Weather Channel says we will "escape lengthy periods of heat" and temperatures will be slightly cooler than or near average.



In September, we will have some of that summer heat return with temperatures slightly above average.


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Good news if you love autumn: Seasonal temperatures will be the norm for October with temps a little cooler than average.

You can see the Weather Channel's late summer and fall weather outlook here.

See The 8 Hottest Days On Record In Albany History

Summer is coming soon and some say it could be a SCORCHER. Will it be hot enough for a few days to join this list? Here are the 8 hottest days on record in Albany history according to the National Weather Service.

The 12 Coldest Days On Record In Albany

Albany has the potential to be brutally cold in the winter. But most of the time, it is bearable and we deal with it - just wear extra layers right? But some days, even wearing all the thermal underwear in the world just is not enough to keep you warm. These are those types of days: the most brutal of the brutal, the 12 coldest days on record in Albany history since 1874 according to


Breathtaking Views of Niagara Falls-Named One of The Most Beautiful Waterfalls in the World

Travel and Leisure magazine named the top 21 most beautiful waterfalls in the world and Niagara Falls made the list. Niagara Falls consists of the Bridal Veil Falls on the New York side or the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls across the river on the Canadian side. They are worthy of being on this list. I have visited many times in all different seasons and it is truly breathtaking. Just think one of the seven wonders of the world and the most beautiful waterfalls in the world is right here in New York state!



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