When I first saw this story on Google news I said to myself, "What?". I checked a few more places to make sure it was actually true, and low and behold it was.

Police in Rockaway, New Jersey set up surveillance and conducted a literal sting operation at a Dunkin Donuts location there on the overnight shift. I know what you're thinking, cops at Dunkin Donuts and I'm sure I could use a million punch lines here but I won't. These cops were watching one of the overnight employees who kept taking orders at the drive thru, and then meeting customers in the back parking lot for 10 to 15 minutes for "services that were not on the standard menu". She would give guys her phone number when they picked up the items they ordered and then give them her phone number with a private rate card for her personal services. Needless to say, she got busted for prostitution. The store refused to comment on the story. Read it all here for a good laugh.

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