Tonight is one night that seems to be catching on, and maybe there should be a few of them. It will be the “28th Annual National Night Out".

Lights On For NNO

This is a great way for everyone in our community to come together and show that crime doesn’t have a place here. This is a national event - so it goes on all over America. Some include barbecues, or even leaving your porch light on this evening.

There are some activities going on in Albany. One thing happening tonight is with Capital District Transportation Authority - CDTA along with members of the Pine Hills neighborhood will hold ribbon-cutting ceremony this evening at 7 p.m. in front of 1092 Madison Avenue in Albany to celebrate the installation of thirteen new bike racks (26 new safe bicycle parking spaces) throughout the upper Madison Avenue area. There’s also something in Guilderland and at Crandall Park in Glens Falls.

If you’d like to get your community involved there are ways to try to get it started, and maybe checking with your local police agency. Are joining your community, tonight?

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