I had a chance to talk to Chris Lane about his recent engagement to Lauren Bushnell. He revealed not only why it stunk but the person who told him his idea wasn't a very good one!
Riley Green is releasing he full-length debut album later this year but one track was leaked on YouTube. If you have a heart, this song is going to hit you right in the feels and Riley Green told me what it was about.
Andy from Atlanta asked a quick question at one of Garth's last shows in Las Vegas—"Garth, where is the first stop on your world tour?"
Garth said he couldn't answer him, but offered to get his info and have him help with the official announcement...
In a press conference this morning, Luke Bryan announced his "That's My Kinda Night" world tour, with 3 stadium shows in Pittsburg, Philly, and Chicago!
Check it out here...
He'll be stopping by Saratoga on Sunday, August 17th!
We'll see you then Luke...