
Finally The Wendy's On Central Ave. Is Coming Down
Finally The Wendy's On Central Ave. Is Coming Down
Finally The Wendy's On Central Ave. Is Coming Down
I pass the Wendy's on Central Avenue every day on my way to and from work. It was the Wendy's that burnt down back in February and nothing had been done to it after the fire. Now that Wendy's is finally coming down.
Never Have I Ever Been Here, Believe It or Not [VIDEO]
Never Have I Ever Been Here, Believe It or Not [VIDEO]
Never Have I Ever Been Here, Believe It or Not [VIDEO]
There was a study in the UK that said 1 in 8 people have never seen a cow! Incredible, right? I admitted on the show that there was one place I'd never been before that would surprise people so of course, it made me want to go.