
A Surprise Wedding On A Plane – I SO Wanted To Hate This Video But I Still Got A Little Choked Up
A Surprise Wedding On A Plane – I SO Wanted To Hate This Video But I Still Got A Little Choked Up
A Surprise Wedding On A Plane – I SO Wanted To Hate This Video But I Still Got A Little Choked Up
I saw this and thought, "Oh boy here we go again with some company's promotional video where they try to tug at our heart strings to get lots of shares. Well, I am not going to like it! "   I was wrong. As it turns out it was very well done and the bride's reactions to the proposal and wedding were so real and full of love that I couldn't help but get emotionally invested.
A Couple Sings Their Wedding Vows – Sweet Act Of Love?… Or Publicity Stunt? [VIDEO]
A Couple Sings Their Wedding Vows – Sweet Act Of Love?… Or Publicity Stunt? [VIDEO]
A Couple Sings Their Wedding Vows – Sweet Act Of Love?… Or Publicity Stunt? [VIDEO]
The couple is  Michael & Carissa Alvarado and together they are a band called, "UsTheDuo" now they are also husband and wife. It was at their ceremony that they chose to "sing" their vows to each other in a song they wrote together before the wedding. The attendees seemed to love it and I must admit, it is a pretty good song.Some people have questioned though, their intenti
Irish Catholic Priest Surprises Wedding Couple With AMAZING Version Of ‘Hallelujah’ [VIDEO]
Irish Catholic Priest Surprises Wedding Couple With AMAZING Version Of ‘Hallelujah’ [VIDEO]
Irish Catholic Priest Surprises Wedding Couple With AMAZING Version Of ‘Hallelujah’ [VIDEO]
Wow, if you like me are not one of the 23 million people who have watched this video yet, get ready to be impressed. Everyone knows that at Mass the father will often lead the church in songs and hymns and sometimes if you are lucky their singing isn't really that bad. What Father Ray Kelly brought to the wedding of Chris and Leah O'Kane however is more like the stuff you'd find on "X Factor&
Navy Sailor Home For 6 Days, Walks Off The Plane Into His Airport Wedding!! [VIDEO]
Navy Sailor Home For 6 Days, Walks Off The Plane Into His Airport Wedding!! [VIDEO]
Navy Sailor Home For 6 Days, Walks Off The Plane Into His Airport Wedding!! [VIDEO]
What a week for great stories! What do you do when you want to marry your high school sweetheart and you only have a six-day leave from the Navy to do it? Well for Seaman Dylan Ruffer the answer came with an impromptu wedding planned by his fiance, Madison Meinhardt and the Reno-Tahoe International Airport.
Redneck Wedding
Redneck Wedding
Redneck Wedding
I really don't know what I think about this video. In one way I love how some people find completely original ways to make tradition seem more exciting, and yet I also think that some people are just plain crazy!
You ARE NOT Invited
You ARE NOT Invited
You ARE NOT Invited
Wedding planning is already full of potential friendship traps. Who's going to be in the bridal party? Who gets invited with a date? Who sits where? Thanks to a new trend in "you're not invited" alerts, now newlyweds-to-be can also thoroughly offend those who aren't necessarily in their inner circle.
Apps for the Ladies
Apps for the Ladies
Apps for the Ladies
Ladies - I'm working for you here.  You're very busy people - juggling work, family, and maybe some fun in between.  You need ways to organize it all, and your handy dandy smart phone can help with the right app.  I've got 3 for you.

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