The singer-songwriter known only as "Melanie" has died at the age of 76, according to her publicist Billy James, who reported the news to the Associated Press.
I had a lot of people asking me where I was headed to while I was on vacation. The simple answer was: "no where." People don't like that answer. It's a sympathetic reaction of, "aww, well that can be fun, too!" Yes, I know, that's why I did it. That and lets be honest, traveling costs a lot of money for the equal amount of fun I can have right here. But, that doesn't mean I did
You hear a song on the radio and it's a few years old, but you can't get enough. I mean, it is technically new, new to you! So, you head out into the Capital Region to go and purchase the cd only to come up empty handed. I know what you're thinking, "Marissa, this is why
You "kids" might not be familiar with the term "vinyl". They're those circular, groove filled discs that you would place on another round thing that turns at 33 1/3 or 45 revolutions per minute (look it up). Well, actually you don't have to. HBO is about to either school you or provide a great bit of nostalgia, depending upon age.
I had the most wonderful surprise when I got to work this morning. Someone had sent me a package. I say, someone because the return address just read, "Kimo Sabee, 1077 Friendship Lane". So I wont know exactly who to thank, but I know I owe them a big thanks indeed.