
Make Thanksgiving Easy On Yourself  [AUDIO]
Make Thanksgiving Easy On Yourself [AUDIO]
Make Thanksgiving Easy On Yourself [AUDIO]
Many people are doing their own cooking this Thanksgiving, and that's good.  But sometimes people forget the basics, and it becomes a complicated affair.  Well, being a master chef myself, I thought I'd help you (actually, I have the latest Reader's Digest, and I got the tips from them)
The Thanksgiving Song – Adam Sandler [VIDEO]
The Thanksgiving Song – Adam Sandler [VIDEO]
The Thanksgiving Song – Adam Sandler [VIDEO]
While everyone is playing Christmas music already (which I am cool with) I figured we should remember Thanksgiving is first. Before he was a box office giant Adam Sandler made me laugh with his comedy CD's. One of my all time favorites is "The Thanksgiving Song"...
The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal For Jake [VIDEO]
The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal For Jake [VIDEO]
The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal For Jake [VIDEO]
I am not a big fan of 20 different dishes on the table for Thanksgiving. I like what I like and am not one to try things I don't think I will like. Thanksgiving is about stuffing yourself and being thankful for friends and family. So If I'm going to truly stuff myself this is what I want to see on the table. LOL
My Parents Or His For Thanksgiving? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
My Parents Or His For Thanksgiving? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
My Parents Or His For Thanksgiving? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Here is a dilemma that everyone has or will face at some point in their lives, and for some it really can be a struggle with feelings of guilt. It seems like when you get married your family is always very excited about adding someone special to the family, but they never seem to understand that you just became part of a different family as well.

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