Now, there are two "jobs" available to watch horror movies and get paid $1,300 just for watching. It's perfect for a scary movie fan like myself...and maybe you.
I love this season! I love the spooky, the creepy, and the paranormal so when I saw this apparent "ghost" picture, I had to see it for myself. Do you think that's a ghost?
Every week, Lights Camera Jackson has the best movies coming out and after the pitiful week the movies had last weekend, we're hoping this weekend is a little better with "It" and "Home Again."
A year ago, Halloween, creepy clowns were popping up all over the Capital Region. While that's died down, Stephen King's "It" hits theaters on September 8th and audiences who have seen it already have been flat out terrified! Clowns are a really weird thing to me. I'm not afraid of them but I'm paralyzed by them just enough to wonder if I should be afraid. Does anybody actually LIKE clo
Two great movies coming out this weekend and an event that Lights Camera Jackson is doing to benefit a great cause. If you can't decide which movie to see this weekend, look no further.