
My Cat Snubs Me, But Loves My Wife
My Cat Snubs Me, But Loves My Wife
My Cat Snubs Me, But Loves My Wife
I don't mean to be bitter here, but it's true.  Our cat, Rascal, (named because his hair looked like the lead singer of Rascal Flatts when he was born), is not the most loving creature on the planet.  At least not to me.  He literally walks past me and swipes me when i go to pet him, unless it's feeding time.  Then he knows how to "kiss up".  But even then he seems to take to my wife so
Your Horoscope For 2011 Is Wrong
Your Horoscope For 2011 Is Wrong
Your Horoscope For 2011 Is Wrong
You heard right!  For YEARS we have read the horoscopes faithfully each morning on the Sean and Richie Show (we do them at 6:50am if you're counting).  We call them horriblescopes! We aim for the utmost accuracy, mind you.  But this year it's gonna be different.  And it ain't our fault!