
Too Shy To Approach Women-The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Too Shy To Approach Women-The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Too Shy To Approach Women-The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Sometimes it's hard to figure out how to meet people of the opposite sex. Our "Daily Dilemma"  deals with that problem. A young man writes in and asks for help in over coming his shyness. He said he is good in groups and even gets compliments on being funny and cute, but when he is one on one with a girl, he just doesn't know what to do.
My Girlfriend Is Smothering Me – The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
My Girlfriend Is Smothering Me – The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
My Girlfriend Is Smothering Me – The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Today's daily dilemma came to us from what I assume to be a young man in a serious relationship of two years. He wrote that he loves her very much but was feeling smothered a bit because they were always together. The big question from him was, can he set new boundaries in their relationship after two years, or after all this time would she feel insecure about his need to alone sometimes. Read Mor
Sean Wants To Share Advice With You – Submit Your Problems
Sean Wants To Share Advice With You – Submit Your Problems
Sean Wants To Share Advice With You – Submit Your Problems
I have been thinking that I'd love to have a segment on the show called "The Daily Dilemma". An open forum where the listeners can call in and give their opinions on a strangers dilemma or question. The nice thing about this is, that usually if one person is thinking about it, odds are many others are as well. The problem that I have is making sure I have enough "dilemmas" to h
The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly. (This May Make You Cry, I Did When I Wrote It)
The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly. (This May Make You Cry, I Did When I Wrote It)
The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly. (This May Make You Cry, I Did When I Wrote It)
"The Boy Who Caught a Butterfly" by Sean McMaster "Mommmmm!" The boy screamed over the sound of the screen door slamming. "I need a jar." "For what? His mother asked. "Look , I caught a butterfly, isn't it pretty? I want to keep it." "It is, very pretty, that's a Monarch Butterfly...
Video Game Addiction is Cited in 15% of Divorces
Video Game Addiction is Cited in 15% of Divorces
Video Game Addiction is Cited in 15% of Divorces
15% of divorce cite video games as a major factor? That's crazy. It also mentioned that the two main contributors were "World of Warcraft" and "Call of Duty". I saw this statistic the other day and I must admit, I was a little shocked at first. That number seemed to be a bit high to me.  So I thought I'd come on here and write a funny blog about it clearly, not being the real
Older Brides — What Does It Mean?
Older Brides — What Does It Mean?
Older Brides — What Does It Mean?
According to the Census Bureau Wednesday, almost half of women between the ages of 25 and 29 have never been married, which is apparently up about a quarter when compared to the same age group, 25 years ago.
So Many Choices-So Little Time (AUDIO)
So Many Choices-So Little Time (AUDIO)
So Many Choices-So Little Time (AUDIO)
Remember when life was more simple?  I don't know how old you are, but I certainly do.  I remember only having 3 tv channels , and one of them came in "fuzzy".  The corner grocery store!  The local hardware store with maybe 50 paint choices, TOPS!.    Big Box store?  What's THAT about?