
HEARTBREAKING: Boy Reacts To Be Bullied (VIDEO)
HEARTBREAKING: Boy Reacts To Be Bullied (VIDEO)
HEARTBREAKING: Boy Reacts To Be Bullied (VIDEO)
I saw this over the weekend and my heart sunk.  Keaton Jones, a middle schooler from Knoxville, Tennessee was so shaken after being bullied at school, his mom had to pick him up.  A crying Keaton was too afraid to go to lunch, but he did request that his mom post this heartbreaking video to Facebook.  I can't even imagine what I would do if my son experienced something like this.
Is Strep Throat Hitting The Region? This Parent Says Yes – Here Are Some Steps To Avoid Getting Sick
Is Strep Throat Hitting The Region? This Parent Says Yes – Here Are Some Steps To Avoid Getting Sick
Is Strep Throat Hitting The Region? This Parent Says Yes – Here Are Some Steps To Avoid Getting Sick
Listen I'm no doctor , I don't even play one on TV and I did not sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night but I do think that people are getting sick all around me and we should all pay attention to the warning signs. I'm talking about Strep throat and infections. I bring it up only because I have been watching my family get pretty sick left and right and I have many friends who have been battlin
Ebola & Birthday Cake
Ebola & Birthday Cake
Ebola & Birthday Cake
When I was in high school I worked at a grocery store for my first job. One of the first things I learned in the training was that you need wash your hands frequently and for a certain amount of time to kill bacteria. The video said an easy way to remember how long to wash your hands for was to sing happy birthday twice...
5 Ways to Lose Weight in Ten Seconds
5 Ways to Lose Weight in Ten Seconds
5 Ways to Lose Weight in Ten Seconds
If you have ever watched, "The Doctors" on TV,  then you are probably familiar with Dr. Travis Stork. Recently, extrapolated some of the tips for weight loss that he gives in his book, "The Lean Belly Prescription".  Clearly your not actually going to get thinner in ten seconds, but he does give some tips that only take ten seconds that can help you lose weight i