
My Boyfriend Asked Me For A DNA Test On Our Daughter! – Daily Dilemma
My Boyfriend Asked Me For A DNA Test On Our Daughter! – Daily Dilemma
My Boyfriend Asked Me For A DNA Test On Our Daughter! – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: So my boyfriend and I have a 2 year old girl. While we are not married we have been together for 8 years and have lived together for 6. I should say that my daughter looks just like her mom, I am dark skinned, my boyfriend is a blonde, we have joked, or so I thought about how she doesn't look anything like him, and how that is a good thing...
Is 13 Too Young For A Supervised Movie Date? – Daily Dilemma
Is 13 Too Young For A Supervised Movie Date? – Daily Dilemma
Is 13 Too Young For A Supervised Movie Date? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: A couple of nights ago, I let my 13 year old son go on a supervised (by me) "movie date". I mentioned on Facebook how proud I was that he was such a gentleman and opened doors for her etc. I was shocked at some of the comments I got from other people saying that this was far too young, for even a supervised "date" and that he would wind up on &quo
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I've got a good dilemma for ya. My boyfriend has recently gone away to boot camp, and has been gone for almost 2 months. He sends me letters at least every day. I keep in contact with his Mother and always tell her when I get a letter...
Typical Teenager Or Behavior Problem? – Daily Dilemma
Typical Teenager Or Behavior Problem? – Daily Dilemma
Typical Teenager Or Behavior Problem? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My friend has a 13 year old boy that is down right terrible to her. He is so rude, disrespectful, ignores what she says even if she asks him a simple question as "What would you like for lunch". He gets even more mad when she won't buy him what he wants...
Home Schooling
Home Schooling
Home Schooling
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: Two years ago, I decided to home school my two children when I discovered they were falling behind at school and the school didn’t even seem to notice or care. They had “satisfactory” report cards and at teacher conferences they said they were doing just fine – except my third grader couldn’t really read or do basic math, and my first grader was not participating...

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