
Beautiful Video Of A Dad Dancing With His Disabled Daughter At A Beauty Pageant – The Good News
Beautiful Video Of A Dad Dancing With His Disabled Daughter At A Beauty Pageant – The Good News
Beautiful Video Of A Dad Dancing With His Disabled Daughter At A Beauty Pageant – The Good News
Everyday on The Sean and Richie Show we have a feature at about 8:10 a.m. called, "The Good News." Our way of just reminding ourselves and you that there really are good people still left in this world, and stories that are worth sharing. Today we talked about a video that has gone viral of a dad dancing with his daughter at a beauty pageant.
Father Pushes Son Down A Skateboard Ramp – Is This Child Abuse? [VIDEO]
Father Pushes Son Down A Skateboard Ramp – Is This Child Abuse? [VIDEO]
Father Pushes Son Down A Skateboard Ramp – Is This Child Abuse? [VIDEO]
This video has gone super viral since last Saturday when tit was taken at a skateboard park in Jacksonville Florida. the video was originally posted by,  13 year old Ryan Stephens because Ryan though it was bad and he didn't want to see the father push his kid so hard. The father in the video is Marcus Crossland and since the video has gone viral he has been getting a lot of heat including being i
Father Moves His Daughter’s Bedroom To The Driveway Because She Wouldn’t Keep It Clean – How Far Would You Go?
Father Moves His Daughter’s Bedroom To The Driveway Because She Wouldn’t Keep It Clean – How Far Would You Go?
Father Moves His Daughter’s Bedroom To The Driveway Because She Wouldn’t Keep It Clean – How Far Would You Go?
Do you have a teenager? If you do I think you will agree there is always something, something about them you just can't seem deal with and you talk to them, fight with them, ground them and nothing seems to work. So what do you do? Have you ever thought about going to some extreme to get your point across? Well this guy did, and from what I understand so far, it has worked.
Man At Baseball Game Abandons Stroller To Catch A Ball – Father Of The Year?
Man At Baseball Game Abandons Stroller To Catch A Ball – Father Of The Year?
Man At Baseball Game Abandons Stroller To Catch A Ball – Father Of The Year?
This is why there just aren't as many "Mannys" as you would think there should be. Man, like myself just don't have the ability to multitask when things like sports, beer or women are around. I think we all have done some pretty stupid things when we are distracted by shiny objects, fortunately for most of us, there aren't cameras around when we do.
I Love BatDad – Have You Seen This Guy Yet? [Watch]
I Love BatDad – Have You Seen This Guy Yet? [Watch]
I Love BatDad – Have You Seen This Guy Yet? [Watch]
At any given time during the day you can find any member of my family on Vine watching BatDad.  This guy is amazing!  He's an ordinary dad with four kids and a Batman mask.  And he's taking a really creative approach to parenting. My kids love him, my husband wants to be him, and I'm pretty smitten too...
$2500 Beer?
$2500 Beer?
$2500 Beer?
Every once in a while there is a story that makes me go think we as a society are getting a little too eager to catch people doing wrong.  This is one of those situations!
Awful Letter
Awful Letter
Awful Letter
This honestly makes me sick. I feel like I should put out some sort of warning to people before they read it, however it doesn't contain violence or sexually explicit language. No, it is far worse than anything that we as a society deem socially unacceptable. Yet to me, it is the FIRST thing we should all be condemning.
Parent Of The Year
Parent Of The Year
Parent Of The Year
Parenting is hard work! SO many decisions to be made, so many responsibilities. It's really a wonder how any of us get through it without some sort of formal training. We do our best though, and fortunately our best is usually pretty darn good. Usually.

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