
Is 11 Years Old Too Young To Trick Or Treat Without Parents – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Is 11 Years Old Too Young To Trick Or Treat Without Parents – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Is 11 Years Old Too Young To Trick Or Treat Without Parents – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Happy Halloween my friends. Today we had a few Halloween dilemmas to choose from and I think we picked the right one. I have to tell you I was a little surprised at the calls we got. I am all for child safety but I don't think I was ready for the level of fear many parents have about their children. I suppose this is much better than the alternative.
Should Kids Be Spanked? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should Kids Be Spanked? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should Kids Be Spanked? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
I guess it had to come up eventually. It is one of those hot topics that a lot of people just can't agree on, is spanking a good idea?  Our listener wrote in that her and her husband of 3 years were about to have a baby and through recent conversations she realized they were both at opposite ends of the spanking spectrum. The husband believes in doing it, and she is very much against it.
Ex-Husband Is A Bad Father – The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Ex-Husband Is A Bad Father – The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Ex-Husband Is A Bad Father – The Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Today the phones went nuts over the Daily Dilemma. We had a great question from a listener who needed to know how to handle an ex-husband who is not a good father. She wasn't sure if she should continue to put on a happy face and sugar coat the situation when he let his daughter down, or go ahead and just tell her daughter that he just isn't as good of a father as she wished he was.
You Can Tell When An Older Parent Is Texting
You Can Tell When An Older Parent Is Texting
You Can Tell When An Older Parent Is Texting
This cracked me up, because it is SO true!  Well, maybe not if you are a younger parent, but as a father in his latter 40's (very latter--I'm 57), you show your "uncoolness" very quickly when you send text messages.  And I'm bad, but not THIS bad: When you text the following:  "Sorry I'm late, but my phone didn't wiggle", that's a sign that you have NOT gotten the lingo down...

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