
Parents Load Toddler Into A Washing Machine And It Locks And STARTS [VIDEO]
Parents Load Toddler Into A Washing Machine And It Locks And STARTS [VIDEO]
Parents Load Toddler Into A Washing Machine And It Locks And STARTS [VIDEO]
This video of parents putting a child into a laundromat washing machine was brought to my attention today and before I say anything I should warn you , it is horrific emotionally to watch. At first my reaction was the same as I think anyone would feel, "Why isn't there a license for parenting!" Shouldn't we be forced to take some basic classes or something, or at least pass a "road
My Husband Acts Like He Is 12 Years Old – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
My Husband Acts Like He Is 12 Years Old – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
My Husband Acts Like He Is 12 Years Old – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
My Kid’s Friend Is A Bad Influence! – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
My Kid’s Friend Is A Bad Influence! – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
My Kid’s Friend Is A Bad Influence! – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
I Can’t Afford My Daughter’s Prom – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
I Can’t Afford My Daughter’s Prom – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
I Can’t Afford My Daughter’s Prom – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
Should A Father Tell His Daughters About His Sketchy Past? – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
Should A Father Tell His Daughters About His Sketchy Past? – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
Should A Father Tell His Daughters About His Sketchy Past? – Daily Dilemma [POLL]
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
How Would You Discipline This Kid?
Today on the show we read a story about a woman who got arrested for making her 10 year old son walk to school after he got kicked off the bus for bad behavior for the 5th time. We got talking about how it seems today the kids seem to be a little "soft", that we never would have gotten away with as much as they do.
I Am Giving Away This Year’s Hit Toy
I Am Giving Away This Year’s Hit Toy
I Am Giving Away This Year’s Hit Toy
Every year there is "that" toy. The "Tickle Me Elmo" of whatever year it happens to be. I know the one that I had to sell my soul for many years ago was the Nintendo Wii when it first came out. It was the perfect toy for the age of my kids and it was the one thing they just had to have, and best intentions and good sense be damned I was going to get it for them.
Does Bringing My Own Candy TO The Movies Make Me A Bad Mother? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Does Bringing My Own Candy TO The Movies Make Me A Bad Mother? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Does Bringing My Own Candy TO The Movies Make Me A Bad Mother? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Wow! People really responded to this dilemma. I have to admit that before we did it, I didn't think it would be such a hot button for people. Maybe the movie theaters need to take another look at how they make their money. I know that the majority of the actual ticket sales go to paying for the movie and the concessions are where they make most of their money. I guess the question is, if the ticke
Should I Let My 18 Year Old Daughter And Her Boyfriend Sleep In The Same Room? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should I Let My 18 Year Old Daughter And Her Boyfriend Sleep In The Same Room? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should I Let My 18 Year Old Daughter And Her Boyfriend Sleep In The Same Room? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
This is another one of my favorite dilemmas, the topic was great and even better the callers were funny. I'm not sure where you will fall on the issue but I do know whichever way you go, you probably feel pretty strongly about it. The holidays always bring with them great joy and great dilemmas.
Should I Let My 13 Year Old See “Twilight:Breaking Dawn”? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should I Let My 13 Year Old See “Twilight:Breaking Dawn”? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
Should I Let My 13 Year Old See “Twilight:Breaking Dawn”? – Daily Dilemma [AUDIO]
As I stated on the air today when we started this dilemma, I have not seen any of the "Twilight Saga" movies or read any of the books so it was all on you the listener to help this parent out on this one. I guess it's just one more thing for parents in this modern world to deal with, when in a child's life is "too young" anymore?

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