That's right - 6 zeros. A 2 Meeeeeeelion dollar bill for an Oregon couple from good old Verizon. A slight computer glitch, dontcha think? Funny, huh? Well, not so much because this poor couple was applying for a mortgage… More below
It's no wonder there's called the #BestDamnBandInTheLand. They are.
Who cares who wins the actual football game tonight? (Okay, I know a lot of people do...) I wanna see a battle of the marching bands!
Here's a little showcase for you -
Players from the University of Oregon football team organized a huge snowball fight on Friday. Things quickly got out of hand and students started unloading on random cars that drove by.
When one of the drivers got out, they pelted him and then the team's tightend dumped a bucket of snow on the his passenger seat...
SNE stands for Stupid News Extra. These are stories that I found in the WGNA trashcan. Stories that we either didn't have time for, or we thought not to be appropriate, or too stupid for stupid news. This one might fit all three categories. Did you hear about this?