
A New Sentimental McDonald’s Commercial You Will Actually WANT to See [VIDEO]
A New Sentimental McDonald’s Commercial You Will Actually WANT to See [VIDEO]
A New Sentimental McDonald’s Commercial You Will Actually WANT to See [VIDEO]
I love when a company finds a way to both advertise their product and truly entertain us with a commercial that makes us laugh, cry, or think. Imagine if they all took the time to really try to make their commercials a little more meaningful. Usually these sort of commercials are reserved for the Superbowl or some other highly rated "television event", in this case it's just McDonald's l
Are You Into McDonald’s New Chocolate Fries?
Are You Into McDonald’s New Chocolate Fries?
Are You Into McDonald’s New Chocolate Fries?
Sometimes you need something sweet... sometimes you need something salty.  It's an age old dilemma.  But now, thanks to America's favorite drive through restaurant, we can have both... at the same time! On Tuesday, McDonalds’s Japan pulled the curtain off its newest culinary masterpiece: the McChoco Potato: Japanese customers can now enjoy an ideal combination of McDonald’s French fries drizzled w
Pay With Lovin'
Pay With Lovin'
Pay With Lovin'
While some people have said that McDonald's "Pay with Lovin" campaign reeks of desperation from the fast food chain that has been losing their stronghold on the fast food industry as of late, I think it's kind of cool.
Man Loses 60 Pounds By Eating McDonalds [Watch]
Man Loses 60 Pounds By Eating McDonalds [Watch]
Man Loses 60 Pounds By Eating McDonalds [Watch]
This is nuts!  A science teacher from Iowa watched that movie "Supersize Me" about Morgan Spurlock's quest to see what would happen if he only ate McDonald's for 30 days and super-sized everything.  Then, John Cisna wondered if he could lose weight by eating McDonalds, and he did...
30 Years Ago Today
30 Years Ago Today
30 Years Ago Today
I was born!  That's actually hard for me to write!  I always thought birthdays were fun, exciting, and should be National Holidays!  Until now.  This one is hitting kinda hard! Here's what baby Bethany looked like.... Here's what was going on 30 years ago - McDonald's came out with the McNugget...

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