
FREE Comic Book Day Is Coming This Saturday!
FREE Comic Book Day Is Coming This Saturday!
FREE Comic Book Day Is Coming This Saturday!
I remember growing up and loving all sorts of art. I gravitated towards cartoons and comic books, of course, I mean I was a kid! What kid doesn't love that kind of stuff. The thing is, a little part of us is still a kid, no matter the number birthday we've reached
Grand In Your Hand: How Would I Spend $1,000 Cash?
Grand In Your Hand: How Would I Spend $1,000 Cash?
Grand In Your Hand: How Would I Spend $1,000 Cash?
The truth of the matter is, I can't win the $1,000 cash because I work here. However, it doesn't mean I haven't thought about how cool it would be to suddenly have $1,000 given to me out of nowhere and what I'd do with
6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That You Can Do Easily
6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That You Can Do Easily
6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That You Can Do Easily
It's true that we're all living busy lives. Quite possibly busier than any generation before us and with that it's hard to find the time for everything. However, there is always time for Mom! Mother's Day is coming up this
Thoughts Had While Currently Binge Watching: Game of Thrones
Thoughts Had While Currently Binge Watching: Game of Thrones
Thoughts Had While Currently Binge Watching: Game of Thrones
I thought this might be a good thing to start since I "binge watch" so frequently. Notice I'm okay admitting this because I don't feel like this is looked down upon these days. We all find ourselves doing it, don't we? A television show pops up on Netflix, you remember the
Flea Markets are My Home Away From Home
Flea Markets are My Home Away From Home
Flea Markets are My Home Away From Home
For as long as I can remember, I have loved the nice weather months in the Capital Region for a very big reason: Flea Markets. My parents started me young with it and maybe this is why I'm financially savvy because God knows I'm no millionaire!
Is the Weather Affecting Your Mood?
Is the Weather Affecting Your Mood?
Is the Weather Affecting Your Mood?
When I took a peak at the forecast for the week on Sunday, I'll admit, I was pretty devastated. The last thing any of us really want to see is a week full of rain and unfortunately
My Name Is Marissa and I’m a Binge Watchaholic
My Name Is Marissa and I’m a Binge Watchaholic
My Name Is Marissa and I’m a Binge Watchaholic
"Binge-watching" only became a term within the last few years, but I've been doing it long before it was the cool thing to do. Before Netflix, before "On Demand," heck, before DVD.
Upstate New York Day Trips You MUST Take
Upstate New York Day Trips You MUST Take
Upstate New York Day Trips You MUST Take
We're so close to so much but do we ever take the time to remember what is really surrounding us? How many times have you had a free weekend and thought, "Man, I'm so bored, what can we do that's different?" Maybe, just maybe this list will help you out!
My First Secret Star Acoustic Jam
My First Secret Star Acoustic Jam
My First Secret Star Acoustic Jam
When I was asked if I had been to or even heard of the Secret Star shows before, I was honest and said, "no." This business is crazy and your life can be completely taken over by the station you're with, especially when you're dedicated like I was with my last job (and of course am now) so

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