
She Uses The Kids As “Pawns” Against The Ex – Daily Dilemma
She Uses The Kids As “Pawns” Against The Ex – Daily Dilemma
She Uses The Kids As “Pawns” Against The Ex – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I have a dilemma, well my brother does. He and his wife who are separated have two children. The wife lives with another man with the children and has for a few years now. When my brother finds someone who is nice or dates someone she keeps the kids from seeing him...
My Toddler Wont Stop Biting! – Daily Dilemma
My Toddler Wont Stop Biting! – Daily Dilemma
My Toddler Wont Stop Biting! – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My problem is simple yet very frustrating, I have a toddler who is biting and pulling hair. I can't seem to find a way to make him stop. I have been given so many different ideas from friends with kids, some seem silly , like "talk/reason with him, and others seem extreme, like bite him back...
Her Step Children Took Her Husband’s Ashes – Daily Dilemma
Her Step Children Took Her Husband’s Ashes – Daily Dilemma
Her Step Children Took Her Husband’s Ashes – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: Here's a stumper. My sister married a man w/3 children 30 years ago. They lived in a little town in Vermont. He died last September and was cremated. My sister went to AZ for a month to visit her son and the first weekend she was gone, the children of her husband went to her house and first opened the urn of ashes and poured them out to look at them, then took the ur
The News Scared My Child Yesterday, What Do You Tell A Kid About Terrorism? – Daily Dilemma
The News Scared My Child Yesterday, What Do You Tell A Kid About Terrorism? – Daily Dilemma
The News Scared My Child Yesterday, What Do You Tell A Kid About Terrorism? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I listen to you guys every day and I value what you (and the listeners) have to say, so here's my dilemma. I bet I'm not alone on this one. Yesterday afternoon when my 8 year old came home from school, I put the TV on for him so he could watch his cartoons...
My Mother In Law Invited Herself On Our Vacation – Daily Dilemma
My Mother In Law Invited Herself On Our Vacation – Daily Dilemma
My Mother In Law Invited Herself On Our Vacation – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: In a nutshell, My husband is very close to his Mom. I also love her very much and she is a wonderful Grandmother to our 2 kids. She lives in another state with his Dad and we try to see them as much as possible, but I'm sure she would love to see her Grand kids more often...
Is 13 Too Young For A Supervised Movie Date? – Daily Dilemma
Is 13 Too Young For A Supervised Movie Date? – Daily Dilemma
Is 13 Too Young For A Supervised Movie Date? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: A couple of nights ago, I let my 13 year old son go on a supervised (by me) "movie date". I mentioned on Facebook how proud I was that he was such a gentleman and opened doors for her etc. I was shocked at some of the comments I got from other people saying that this was far too young, for even a supervised "date" and that he would wind up on &quo

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