high school

High School Drama Club Makes Viral Video [Watch]
High School Drama Club Makes Viral Video [Watch]
High School Drama Club Makes Viral Video [Watch]
High school theater teacher Scot Pankey gathered students from six different theater classes together to make a dance video that's gone viral on social media! Pankey and the students of A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School in Dallas, Texas danced through the halls to Mark Ronson's and Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk" while the film was shot by two high school students in a single take... Read Mo
Should We Have ‘Shooter Drills’ in Our Schools?
Should We Have ‘Shooter Drills’ in Our Schools?
Should We Have ‘Shooter Drills’ in Our Schools?
You don't think anything of it when your kids come home from school and tells you they had a fire drill at school.  You don't think twice anymore about an "emergency go-home" drill, or even a "lock-down" drill.  But as of late, schools around the country have been conducting active "shooter" drills...
New Mexico School Shooting
New Mexico School Shooting
New Mexico School Shooting
We are learning that at least two children were taken to a hospital after a report of a shooting at Berrendo Middle School in Roswell, New Mexico, a spokeswoman for the hospital said. They were taken to Eastern New Mexico Medical Center, and conditions are not available at this time...
Students Raise Money To Build A New House For A Disabled Vet! – The Good News
Students Raise Money To Build A New House For A Disabled Vet! – The Good News
Students Raise Money To Build A New House For A Disabled Vet! – The Good News
Every morning at 8:10, 'The Sean and Richie Show" does a feature called "The Good News." Let's face it, the world is full of bad news and catastrophes and the media is falling all over itself to bring it to you. Really, just watching the news every night could lead you to depression. So, as I like to say on the show everyday, that is why we bring you now... "The Good News."
Prom Horror Stories
Prom Horror Stories
Prom Horror Stories
This is Andrew and his prom date at Holy Cross School.  They had a great time and everything went smoothly, according to Andrew's grandma Jeanmarie Vollmer.  There are others, however who have had pretty embarrassing stories to tell
Who Needs A Feel Good Anti- Bullying Story Today? I Know I do.
Who Needs A Feel Good Anti- Bullying Story Today? I Know I do.
Who Needs A Feel Good Anti- Bullying Story Today? I Know I do.
There are a few things in life I really , really hate. Not many, but a few. One of those things is bullying. I know that there is a new campaign through out the country to fight bullying and make kids understand the need to respect each other and our differences. You don't always get to see that that message is getting through though, so I wanted to share this story.

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