
Smokers Pay Higher Insurance Premiums, Get Help Quitting
Smokers Pay Higher Insurance Premiums, Get Help Quitting
Smokers Pay Higher Insurance Premiums, Get Help Quitting
Do you think employers should assist their workers in quitting cigarette smoking? Would you pay a higher premium for them to do so? These two questions have already been answered by a plethora companies, as a significant portion of them, both large and small, offer this newly designed health benefit to their employees. The Washington Post reports, many of these companies have created a two-tier ap
Enfamil Baby Formula Pulled from Wal-Mart Shelves
Enfamil Baby Formula Pulled from Wal-Mart Shelves
Enfamil Baby Formula Pulled from Wal-Mart Shelves
Wal-mart is pulling Enfamil infant formula off their store shelves nationwide after a baby in Missouri died this week.  The parents had just purchased the formula from a Wal-Mart in Lebanon, Missouri.
‘Obesity May Run in the Family,’ Say Researchers — Health Check
‘Obesity May Run in the Family,’ Say Researchers — Health Check
‘Obesity May Run in the Family,’ Say Researchers — Health Check
Is obesity contagious? A study back in 2007 seemed to indicate that, saying we get it from our friends. To back that up, researchers highlighted data showing members of social groups were likely to have similar rates of obesity. New research, however, seems to be changing all this by finding that social interactions may have little impact on body weight.
Cookie Dough Linked To E. Coli
Cookie Dough Linked To E. Coli
Cookie Dough Linked To E. Coli
A recall on cookie dough couldn't come at a worse time.  While it's never good to eat raw cookie dough or lots of it, that's always been due to the possibility of salmonella.
Be Careful of Email Hoax & More of What You Need to Know Near Albany
Be Careful of Email Hoax & More of What You Need to Know Near Albany
Be Careful of Email Hoax & More of What You Need to Know Near Albany
New York - Be careful if you received an email with the subject line stating, “Uniform Traffic Ticket.”  The State Police says the email is a hoax and appears to be from the New York State Police or the Los Angeles Department of Motor Vehicles.
Lung Cancer Is Officially No Longer Just a ‘Smoker’s Disease’ — Health Check
Lung Cancer Is Officially No Longer Just a ‘Smoker’s Disease’ — Health Check
Lung Cancer Is Officially No Longer Just a ‘Smoker’s Disease’ — Health Check
While most cases of lung cancer occur in smokers, nearly 20 percent of cases strike those who’ve never touched a cigarette. When it comes down to the facts, 32,000 nonsmoking Americans die from lung cancer every year — so many that experts say it’s time to stop calling it “the smoker’s disease.”
Apple Juice Really Not Good For You
Apple Juice Really Not Good For You
Apple Juice Really Not Good For You
The American Academy of Pediatrics says juice in general can be part of a good, healthy diet.  However, fruit juice offers no nutritional benefit for babies under the age of six months.  Fruit juice also has no benefits over whole fruit for older children.  Not only that, apple juice contains trace amounts of arsenic.

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