christmas shopping

You Won’t Believe How Much Time Men Wait for Their Women to Shop
You Won’t Believe How Much Time Men Wait for Their Women to Shop
You Won’t Believe How Much Time Men Wait for Their Women to Shop
I went Christmas shopping this weekend... like allllllll weekend! So I know that my husband was waiting patiently at home for at least two whole days for me to shop! And, according to a new survey, he's not out of the ordinary! The new survey says that the average man spends more than three weeks of his life waiting for his wife or girlfriend to finish shopping...
Here Are The Best Stores To Shop This Black Friday Weekend! – You Should Save At Least 39%
Here Are The Best Stores To Shop This Black Friday Weekend! – You Should Save At Least 39%
Here Are The Best Stores To Shop This Black Friday Weekend! – You Should Save At Least 39%
I know there is a lot of hype about "Black Friday" and holiday shopping, you will get it from all angles this week. Many of you will scour the flyers and on line advertisements of some of your favorite stores and try to get a game plan up for shopping while you are enjoying that after dinner pie on Thanksgiving. Fortunately I found a really good article at where they did al
Small Business Saturday is November 30th
Small Business Saturday is November 30th
Small Business Saturday is November 30th
Your feet and your credit card are still hurting after hitting all of the Black Friday deals.  You have been scanning the upcoming Cyber Monday deals on your computer.  But if you really want to do something to help out your community, make sure to stop by a small “mom and pop” store today on Small Business Saturday...

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