christmas cards

Brian & Chrissy's JCPenney Awkward Christmas Card Photo Shoot
Brian & Chrissy's JCPenney Awkward Christmas Card Photo Shoot
Brian & Chrissy's JCPenney Awkward Christmas Card Photo Shoot
Brian and Chrissy brought some nostalgia back this Christmas. They wanted to do a very special Christmas card for their listeners. They made an appointment at the JCPenney Photo Studios inside Crossgates Mall to do an awkward photo shoot. Check out some of the outtakes, the funny expressions, and the silly poses. You can also see the final Christmas card both front and back.
Deadline Dates For Shipping And Mailing This Holiday
Deadline Dates For Shipping And Mailing This Holiday
Deadline Dates For Shipping And Mailing This Holiday
The holidays are fast approaching and it's good to get a jump on Christmas cards and packages. However, most of us need some deadlines so we know that we can get them there on time. Here are some important dates so your holiday goodies get there on time.
Thank You, Safyre
Thank You, Safyre
Thank You, Safyre
"The world will forget about this little girl in one week." That is a quote I read today while getting myself updated on little Safyre Terry. At first, I thought that this may actually be a sad truth and then I realized that not only is it not true, but I also realized that there is nothing sad about this story or this beautiful little girl.
To Newtown With Love
To Newtown With Love
To Newtown With Love
We noticed a lot of Faceook posts of people copying and posting pictures of candles, and messages of sympathy. While that is great, to us, it doesn't get to the people who actually need messages of hope and love.